For New Patients
Thank you for selecting Dr. Brian Earthman in Cedar Park, Texas for your mental health care. We offer conveniences including no-wait appointments, electronic scripts for all controlled substances including schedule 2 and schedule 3 medications, on-site neuropsychiatric testing with same-day results, in house counselors and therapists, and flexible payment options including online bill pay.
To schedule an appointment, please use our online New Patient Appointment request form.
Once you have made your initial appointment, you may download, print, and complete the Medical and Psychiatric History form below. Please be sure to bring it with you to your first visit. Completing the forms prior to your visit will help speed up the new patient registration process.
If you cannot fill out the form prior to your first visit please show up at least one hour early so you will have time to complete the form. Dr. Earthman requires that you complete the form prior to starting your New Patient Appointment.
Downloadable Forms:
- Medical and Psychiatric history form
- Office Privacy Policies and Procedures
- Acknowledgement of Office Privacy Policies and Procedures
Please note: It may take a few minutes to load the forms if you are using a slow internet connection. If you are unable to view the forms, you may need to download Adobe Acrobat for free by clicking on the icon below.
Helpful Resources
Dr. Earthman recommends the following helpful information for his patients to learn more about psychiatric and addiction treatment: